I do not only optimize your website for search engines, I optimize for humans, too – for your website visitors, for your future customers. Achieving this requires several key elements, like a high-performing and logically strutured website, original content that provides better value to your visitors than your competition, and endorsements in the form of links and recommendations from other websites to establish your expertise in your field. It may sound simple, and in all honesty, it’s not rocket science either, but everyone has a secret to success, wanna profit from mine?

Why can I help YOU?

In SEO, two things truly make the difference: the right people and boundless curiosity. I’ve got both.

My network is a powerhouse of seasoned experts in branding, design, communication, and web development. They’re not just contacts; they’re a team ready to transform your online presence.

But it’s my unrelenting curiosity that sets me apart. I’m not just interested in your needs; I want to dig deep into your desires, uncover your audience’s pain points, and stay ahead with new algorithms and tools. I never stop learning, and my network keeps expanding. Ready to leverage this expertise and curiosity for your success?

Max from Vizzzible - SEO specialist in Den Hague
Max - your friendly SEO specialist in The Hague

My experiences in SEO

Honesty in numbers

+ 0 years
deep diving SEO
0 projects
currently guiding

Brands who trust my SEO skills

Logo of bfz
Logo of Katharina Ebner
Logo of LET HER
Logo of Ann Amann
Logo of Bauer und Frischluft Werbung
Logo of Hinweisschild24
Logo of Jacobs Immobilien
Logo of Rianne Wolswinkel
Logo of LOU!S
Logo of Estrich Schwertl

SEO - This is what YOU get

SEO encompasses it all – On Page, Off Page, and the technical aspects. But don’t fret over the terminology. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that exceptional SEO: #1 ensures outstanding helpful content and logical website structure, #2 establishes valuable connections in the form of organic backlinks towards your website and #3 guarantees top-notch technical performance, ultimately bringing smiles to the faces of both users and search engines.

On Page SEO

On Page SEO is the art of crafting content that captivates both humans and search engines. With a quiver full of keyword expertise and content strategy wizardry, I ensure your website is a magnet for your audience. From meticulously optimizing meta tags to creating compelling, informative content, I've got you covered.

This is what I do for you regarding OnPage SEO:

Off Page SEO

Off Page SEO is like networking for your website. I know how to make the right connections and build a digital reputation that Google can't resist. I'll secure backlinks from authority websites, making your site the talk of the city in your niche. It's not just about links; it's about building credibility and trust for you and your company.

This is what I do for you regarding OffPage SEO:

Technical SEO

The vital backbone of your online presence, Technical SEO ensures that your website is sleek, fast, and responsive. And I am like the friendly mechanic in the digital garage, fixing any technical glitches of your website, ensuring smooth navigation for users, and making sure your website is in tip-top shape for the search engine crawlers.

This is what I do for you regarding Technical SEO:

Baby pitch me one more time!

Max becomes vizzzible

You need SEO, when you realise

High costs for online ads

Hardly any traffic from search engines

Your competition is ahead of you in search results

Website visitors are not turning into customers

Any questions you might have about working together with me

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a multifaceted strategy aimed at achieving several key goals to enhance your online presence and drive business growth.

  1. Increase online visibility: one of the primary goals of SEO is to boost your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). This involves optimizing your content and website structure to appear prominently for specific keywords relevant to your business.

  2. Enhance click-through rates (CTR): SEO is not just about appearing in search results; it’s also about persuading users to click through to your website. E.g. by optimizing your meta titles and descriptions, you can improve your click-through rates.

  3. Enhance user engagement: keeping visitors on your website and providing a valuable experience is crucial. SEO can increase the time spent on your site by ensuring that your content is informative, helpful and engaging.

  4. Generate more enquiries: ultimately, the primary goal of SEO is to generate more leads and conversions for your business. Whether it’s inquiries via telephone, email, other contact methods or sales, SEO can play a significant role in attracting potential customers to your website.

When it comes to measuring the success of SEO, we rely on a combination of powerful tools to provide comprehensive insights.

Throug leveraging the capabilities of Google Search Console, Matomo Web Analytics, Ahrefs and our own SEO brains, we are able to track and analyze a wide range of crucial SEO metrics including but not limited to:

  • Keyword rankings: we meticulously monitor your website’s performance in search results for the key search terms with high value for your buisness goals.

  • Organic traffic: our focus is on increasing the number of visitors who find your website through organic search results.

  • Click-through rates: We work to improve the percentage of users who click through to your site from search results, maximizing your site’s visibility.

  • Conversion rates: our aim is to enhance the rate at which visitors take desired actions on your site, such as making a purchase or filling out a contact form.

  • Backlink profile: we assess the quality and quantity of backlinks to your site, which can significantly impact your search rankings.

  • Technical SEO health: ensuring your website is technically sound is a priority, as it directly affects user experience and search engine performance.

  • Local SEO metrics: for businesses with a local presence, we focus on metrics related to local search and Google My Business performance.

Our commitment to you extends beyond mere reporting. We provide regular, transparent reports to track your progress towards your goals, even when challenges arise. We recognize that SEO involves experimentation to outperform your competition, which may sometimes include setbacks. We embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth, learning from any missteps along the way to continuously improve your SEO strategy.

Significant successes with SEO can already occur in the first month.

It depends above all on how many and which SEO efforts have already been made before our cooperation. If not much has happened yet, improvements in rankings and click-through rates can already occur in the first month, e.g. through optimisation of the SEO titles or improvements to the already existing content based on the current Google Search Central guidelines.

However, SEO is only really effective if you regularly do something to your website and optimise it. Search engines constantly change their algorithms and users change their behaviour; we as SEOs try to take these developments into account and make websites so performant, helpful and unique that Google & Co. have no choice but to reward the site with good rankings.

At vizzzible we always recommend a trial period of 3 months. Of course, it is important that customers also see the first successes through SEO in these months – that is our ambition.

There are three SEO packages you can choose from:

Regardless of the package you choose, my commitment to delivering outstanding results remains steadfast. I firmly believe in holistic SEO, and every client receives the full suite of technical, on-page, and off-page optimizations – the only variation lies in the monthly investment. It is easy, the more budget you have, the more impact you will make.

  • Little Local €340/month
  • Mighty Medium €650/month
  • El Grande €1,300/month

Explanation of the different packages

The different packages provide information on how many experts I can include in the project and how much time we put into SEO work for our clients. No matter the package, we always care about all three disciplines of SEO, i.e. technical optimisation, structural and content improvements to the website and off-page measures. In the beginning, there are usually a lot of technical optimisations. Once these are completed (as is the case now), the focus is more on increasing visibility or converting more visitors into customers.

For more information about responsabilities and payment, please consider this sample contract.

Let's combine forces and rise to the first page of Google

Let’s be ambitious and strive for greatness! I am your friendly SEO specialist Max, either on site in The Hague or online. Here’s how it goes from here:

This form is simply a way for us to get in touch with each other. Once you’ve submitted your inquiry, we’ll reach out to you within 24 hours to kickstart the onboarding process.

Tell me all about it

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Virtually via Zoom, Meet or via phone, everything is possible. For now, just leave your contact details and optionally pick a desired date and time.

How can I help you?